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Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 18...

(Originally posted on 1/24/11)

First off, let me just say that my face and hair look all sorts of whack in this pic because it was taken at the end of a looong day. In the previous weeks, the pictures were taken right after getting ready for the day... I don't mean to be so vain, but ya know -- I'm putting my picture out there for all of the internets to see, so I felt this photo needed a disclosure... and I guess I'm kinda vain, too.

How far along?: 18 weeks, 2 days

Baby's Size: about 6 inches (the size of an heirloom tomato - what's that?), and 8.5 oz

Bellybutton: Still in!

Stretchmarks: None... I think! There is a small red mark near the bottom of my belly.. is that the first sign of a stretch mark?! It's too early!! I have lots more growing to go!!!!! For now, I'm going to believe I scratched myself...

Maternity Clothes: Still in "regular" clothes, but I'm running out of options!

Sex: May be able to find out this Wednesday!!! Official appointment not until 2/4. I've been dreaming of little girls a lot lately though...

Movement: I'm PRETTY sure I've started feeling it kick... but they come and go so quick that when I realize it's happening, it stops doing it!

Sleep: Sleeping on my side... and having very lucid dreams.

Symptoms: Threw up just once this past week! Woohoo! Waking up with very light headaches, but they go away as soon as I have my morning cup of water!

Food Aversions: None.

Food Cravings: Milk Tea with Boba pearls!!!

What I miss: Seeing my feet...ha - jk, I can still see the tips of my toes. But I certainly miss wearing my heels on a daily basis! I only have 3-4 flats that I rotate between and that is NOT enough options!

What I Am Looking Forward to: Next OB-GYN appt is on Wednesday and 3D appointment on 2/4!!!! Also... hubs and I are leaving for Hawaii on Thursday for a week! Probowl here we come!


As mentioned earlier, I'm pretty sure I've felt the baby move around in my belly... but there hasn't been a super strong kick that I can say with 100% certainty was the baby. However, I can say that I'm starting to feel all sorts of pregnant again and it feels lovely!